Easiest Way to Cucinare Perfect Salsa Guacamole

Easiest Way to Cucinare Perfect Salsa Guacamole

Salsa Guacamole. Browse Our Official Site For Easy Mexican Appetizers! Salsa Guacamole Lauren Heyn of Oak Creek, Wisconsin notes, "I've never tasted better guacamole than this. That's right, this guacamole salsa recipe is there for you when you forgot the party is actually a potluck or when you get a call from an unexpected visitor.

Salsa Guacamole My favorite are extra large Haas avocado from Costco but you can use any. Salsa and chips: I also love Que Pasa salsa and chips (Kirkland brand is the same) because they are lower in sodium, organic is a bonus and quite affordable.. This Guacamole Salsa recipe combines salsa verde and guacamole to create an addicting appetizer and salsa for tacos! You can have Salsa Guacamole using 7 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Salsa Guacamole

  1. Prepare 1 of avocado maturo.
  2. Prepare 1 of pomodoro.
  3. You need 1 of cipolla piccola.
  4. You need 1/2 of peperoncino.
  5. Prepare 1 of lime (buccia grattugiata e succo).
  6. You need of sale.
  7. You need 1 cucchiaio of olio evo.

Made from tomatillos, jalapenos, avocados, cilantro and lime juice. If salsa verde and guacamole had a baby, you'd get this Guacamole Salsa. Salsa guacamole is a fresh, vibrant mix of salsa verde and traditional guacamole. It's a zesty avocado salsa recipe that you've got to taste to believe… if you love salsa, and you love guac, you've got to try this incredible avocado sauce!

Salsa Guacamole instructions

  1. Dividete gli avocado a metà e estraete il nocciolo. Sbucciate il frutto, prelevate la polpa, tagliatela a dadini,mettete in una ciotola e schiacciate con la forchetta fino a renderla una purea..
  2. Grattugiate una piccola parte di scorza di lime, spremete il frutto e aggiungete il tutto alla purea di avocado..
  3. Tritate finemente la cipolla, sbollentate il pomodoro e privatelo della buccia e dei semini, tritate e unite il tutto alla purea..
  4. Tritate finemente metà peperoncino, unirlo con un cucchiaio di olio di oliva, aggiustate di sale, mescolate bene, coprite e fate riposare in frigo per 30 mn, in modo che i sapori si amalgamino..
  5. La salsa guacamole nei ristoranti messicani viene servita per accompagnare i nachos o le tortillas, ma è ottima anche semplicemente spalmata su bruchette o come condimento per insalate. La potete gustare originale, a pezzi, o frullata al mixer se la volete cremosa.

There are few things I love more than a good topping. Available in spicy or mild, the HERDEZ Guacamole Salsa combines fresh, simple ingredients in a daring new way. Get the spicy bite of salsa and the distinctive taste of guacamole in a dip that pours right from the jar. Whether you're looking for a tangy dip for chips, a kitchen staple, or a shortcut into the heart and soul of real Mexican. Mean Green Guacamole Salsa Mean Green Guacamole Salsa.