Easiest Way to Cucinare Lusious Avocado toast

Easiest Way to Cucinare Lusious Avocado toast

Avocado toast. However, the uniqueness is because of the presence of healthy. fats in it. The vitamin and fat-rich qualities of avocado help make the most filling, Mash the avocado with a fork in a shallow bowl until chunky. Season with fine salt and black pepper.

Avocado toast Mash the avocado in a small bowl until smooth. Spread the avocado over the toast. Season with desired amount of sea salt and pepper. You can have Avocado toast using 8 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Avocado toast

  1. You need of avocado maturo.
  2. You need of limone.
  3. It's of uova.
  4. It's of Sale.
  5. It's of Pepe.
  6. Prepare of olio EVO.
  7. Prepare of aceto.
  8. You need of d’acqua.

I toast a slice of dark rye in the toaster oven slice half an avocado and spread on the toast sprinkle with a few grinds of sea salt then for an extra boost of protein I add a fried or poached egg (cooked yolk). With a plethora of avocado toast recipes out there—some simple, others more complex—it's easy to wonder if we've reached peak avocado. But before you write off this open-faced Instagrammable marvel, let's remember why we love avocado toast in the first place. Avocado is the star of this popular and dare I say trendy dish that still has people obsessing over.

Avocado toast step by step

  1. Dividete a metà l’avocado.
  2. Tagliate una metà a fettine sottili.
  3. L’altra metà servirà per fare la crema, quindi potete utilizzare un frullatore ad immersione oppure se preferite una consistenza più grossolana usate una forchetta. Aggiungere il succo di mezzo limone, sale e pepe qb.
  4. Questa è la prima volta che provo a fare un uovo in camicia, e ho avuto fortuna! In una pentola (non troppo profonda) versate 1 lt d’acqua e 100 ml di aceto (anche di mele va bene), portate ad ebollizione. Abbassate un po’ la fiamma, e con una frusta create un vortice nell’acqua. Rompete un uovo in una ciotolina e versatelo con delicatezza nel vortice d’acqua appena creato. Lasciate cuocere un minuto per ottenere un tuorlo molto liquido.
  5. Tostate le fette di pane e decoratele a piacere.

Mastering this simple avocado toast recipe will make breakfast or brunch more exciting. Learn the basics for preparing the base and nailing the perfect golden brown toast. Here are a few easy ways to take your avocado toast up a notch. Add garlic: Lightly rub a peeled raw garlic clove over the top of your toast before adding the avocado, or mix a tiny pinch of garlic powder into the avocado. Add fresh leafy herbs or your favorite herbed sauce: Chopped fresh basil, cilantro, dill or parsley are all good with avocado.