How to Preparare Savoury Naked cake

How to Preparare Savoury Naked cake

Naked cake. Presenting the naked cake, the dessert that's light on frosting but still surprisingly beautiful. Whip one of these babies up for your next dinner party or a show-stopping wedding cake—and scandalize your loved ones with your newfound (culinary) nudity. There's actually a serious benefit to choosing an unfrosted confection, and that's freshness.

Naked cake Some naked cakes have zero frosting on their outer edge, while others have just a wisp of buttercream. Naked cakes recently became trendy when bakers realized that the real beauty of a cake was in the ingredients themselves. This sweet recipe, for instance, highlights nature's beauty—no bells and whistles necessary. You can have Naked cake using 18 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Naked cake

  1. It's 185 g of farina.
  2. Prepare 225 g of burro.
  3. You need 4 of uova.
  4. Prepare 225 of zucchero.
  5. It's 40 g of vaniglia.
  6. You need of Lievito per dolci.
  7. Prepare of Per il lemon curd.
  8. Prepare of La scorza di 2 limoni non trattati.
  9. You need 100 g of succo di limone filtrato.
  10. You need 1 cucchiaio of fecola di mais.
  11. You need 150 g of zucchero.
  12. Prepare 4 of tuorli.
  13. You need 100 g of burro.
  14. Prepare of Per la meringa all'italiana.
  15. Prepare 90 g of acqua.
  16. It's 330 g of zucchero semolato.
  17. It's 200 g of albume.
  18. It's 70 g of zucchero.

Get the recipe at I Am Baker. Perfect for weddings and tea parties.. See more ideas about cupcake cakes, naked cake, cake. A naked cake is a unique type of cake decoration that only uses a thin coating of frosting on the whole cake, leaving its layers artfully exposed.

Naked cake step by step

  1. Per prima cosa metti una ciotola sopra una pentola di acqua in ebollizione lenta. Metti nella ciotola il succo di limone con la fecola,la scorza di limone,lo zucchero,i tuorli e il burro. Mescola bene sino a ottenere la crema si sarĂ  addensata. E metti da parte..
  2. Lavora il burro con lo zucchero. Aggiungi le uova uno per vota, la vaniglia e tutte le farine setacciate.
  3. Infarinate una teglia da 20 cm. Infornate a 170°/175° per 45 minuti circa..
  4. Nel frattempo, montate l albume con i 70 g di zucchero,.
  5. In un pentolino portate a 121° la seconda parte di zucchero e acqua e versate su gli albumi, montate fino a quasi raffreddamento totale.
  6. Tagliate la torta un 3 strati uguali,farcite con la lemon curd e ciufetti di meringa, continuate cosi per tutti gli stati. Se vi fa piacere potete aggiungere delle scorzette di limone tagliate finemente..

Keto Naked Cake Or Semi-Naked Cake Technically speaking, a naked cake has no frosting at all on the sides. Typically when people refer to a naked cake though, they're referring to a semi-naked cake that has a minimal amount of frosting on the sides with the cake layers and fillings peeking through. Naked cakes are kind of like damaged or deconstructed jeans. You want them to look like you're trying, but not trying tooooo hard. This cake succeeds in the not trying too hard department.