Modo Più Semplice Rendere Tempting Parmigiana light

Modo Più Semplice Rendere Tempting Parmigiana light

Parmigiana light. Cut off any fat, bone, and gristle remaining on the chicken thighs. Place two thighs between two sheets of plastic wrap. Pound them lightly with the toothed side of a meat mallet to a more or less even thickness.

Parmigiana light In another bowl, beat egg substitute. Dip chicken in egg substitute, then roll in crumbs. Traditionally eggplant parmesan is breaded eggplant that is fried them topped with sauce and cheese before baking. You can have Parmigiana light using 6 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Parmigiana light

  1. You need 3 of melanzane lunghe.
  2. It's 6 of pomodori ramati.
  3. Prepare Q.b of aglio.
  4. You need Q.b of olio, sale, pepe.
  5. You need Q.b of parmigiano o pecorino grattugiato.
  6. Prepare 2 of mozzarelle a dadini.

I made this lighter low-carb version by roasting the eggplant in the oven instead and skipping the breadcrumbs altogether. It's delicious and perfect to make ahead and freeze or send to a friend in need! Add onions and garlic and cook until soft. The Best Chicken Parmesan recipe, made a bit healthier!

Parmigiana light instructions

  1. Taglio le melanzane a fette alte 1 cm, le dispongo su una teglia rivestita di cartaforno e metto un po' di olio e sale. Metto in forno a 180 gradi per 30' circa. Preparo il sugo. Metto olio e aglio in un tegame, aggiungo i pomodori spellati, qualche foglia di basilico e faccio cuocere per 15'. Finito di cuocere, tolgo l'aglio..
  2. Prendo quindi una teglia da forno e faccio uno strato di sugo e uno di melanzane, metto la mozzarella tagliata a dadini e il parmigiano (o pecorino). Così sino ad esaurire le melanzane. Termino per ultimo con la spolverata di parmigiano. Metto in forno per 15' sui 180 gradi per completare la cottura. Molto gustoso come piatto..

Breaded chicken cutlets are baked, not fried yet the chicken is so moist and full of flavor.. I substitute regular butter with Balade light butter and use Trader Joe's Pomodoro sauce. Arrange eggplant on two rimmed baking sheets. Brush eggplant on both sides with oil, and season with salt and pepper. Melt butter in a large skillet; add chicken and brown on each side over medium-high heat.