Recipe: Appetizing Avocado toast

Recipe: Appetizing Avocado toast

Avocado toast. Mash the avocado with a fork in a shallow bowl until chunky. Season with fine salt and black pepper. Toast the bread until browned and crisp.

Avocado toast I toast a slice of dark rye in the toaster oven slice half an avocado and spread on the toast sprinkle with a few grinds of sea salt then for an extra boost of protein I add a fried or poached egg (cooked yolk). Avocado toast is pretty divisive: You either can't get enough of it, or you're totally sick of hearing about it. With a plethora of avocado toast recipes out there—some simple, others more complex—it's easy to wonder if we've reached peak avocado. You can cook Avocado toast using 8 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Avocado toast

  1. You need 5 fette of pane al farro.
  2. It's 1 of avocado maturo.
  3. You need of Il succo di mezzo lime.
  4. You need of Sale.
  5. You need of Pepe.
  6. It's 150 gr of salmone affumicato.
  7. It's 1 of uovo.
  8. Prepare Bacche of rosa.

But before you write off this open-faced Instagrammable marvel, let's remember why we love avocado toast in the first place. Here are a few easy ways to take your avocado toast up a notch. Add garlic: Lightly rub a peeled raw garlic clove over the top of your toast before adding the avocado, or mix a tiny pinch of garlic powder into the avocado. Add fresh leafy herbs or your favorite herbed sauce: Chopped fresh basil, cilantro, dill or parsley are all good with avocado.

Avocado toast instructions

  1. Iniziate mettendo in un pentolino dell'acqua e portatela ad ebollizione, insertevi poi l'uovo (con il guscio) e fatelo bollire per 10 minuti..
  2. Nel frattempo tostate il pane in padella su entrambi i lati..
  3. Tagliate a metà l'avocado, rimuovete la buccia e il nocciolo e mettete la polpa in una ciotola. Schiacciate accuratamente la polpa con una forchetta in modo da ottenere una sorta di purea, irroratela con il succo di lime e regolate di sale..
  4. Spalmate la crema di avocado sul pane e disponetevi sopra il salmone affumicato..
  5. Sgusciate l'uovo e tagliatelo a fettine. Decorate ciascuna fetta di pane con una rondella d'uovo e un pizzico di bacche rosa..

Avocado is the star of this popular and dare I say trendy dish that still has people obsessing over. Mastering this simple avocado toast recipe will make breakfast or brunch more exciting. Learn the basics for preparing the base and nailing the perfect golden brown toast. Spray a small nonstick skillet with cooking spray and fry one egg as desired. Place cooked egg onto avocado toast, sprinkle with salt and pepper if desired.